But Does It Work?

When you are suffering with the pain of a broken heart, ask yourself one major question: Do I want to continue to suffer this pain for the rest of my life? Many people think that this is the only option, that suffering is the fate they must endure forever. Many become accustomed to finding themselves in tears at odd moments throughout their days when they think of a lost loved one. Others believe that their loss has destroyed their happiness and sense of security, and that they will be bitter and joyless forever. This is NOT the case. You have options that can move you out from under this cloud.

The Grief Recovery Method has been around for more than 40 years, so there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence that it works. It certainly worked for me, and for the people I guide through the process!

More than feel-good stories, though, we have proof that the Grief Recovery Method works: researchers at Ohio’s Kent State University have the evidence to prove it!

Grief Recovery Method: Evidence Based Program

What Does Evidence Based Mean?

The term “Evidence Based” means that research examining how the Grief Recovery Method works is published in a peer-reviewed journal. For this research, by Drs. Rachael Nolan and Jeff Hallam, published their results in two articles in “The American Journal of Health Education.” They also presented these studies at several conferences. 

These studies show that The Grief Recovery Method goes beyond a “best practice” or “promising approach” in dealing with the emotional pain of loss. There is high confidence that those who follow the Grief Recovery Method Action Plan can find happiness in their lives despite the losses they have suffered.

The Grief Recovery Method helps grievers deal with those things they wish might have been different or better. It gives them the chance to address their dreams and hopes for the future — a future they had not planned. It helps them address the words left unspoken. It helps them with the lost relationship that they thought would cause them pain for the rest of their lives. All these things may sound too good to be true, but this research shows that this dream of a better tomorrow is very possible, thanks to the Grief Recovery Method Action Plan!

Video Stories:

Lindsay’s Story

Vicki’s Story